Wednesday, July 18, 2012

BOX 5 - July 18th, 2012

Broccoli!!!  We got it.  Hope you like it!  Garlic is finished curing and looks beautiful.  We will be adding it to your box throughout the season until we run out.  Egg plants and tomatoes are coming on and the plants are looking beautiful.








It seems like we have had to battle almost every harmful insect known to man this year but we are somehow staying ahead of them (so far). Our zucchini and summer squash had a bad case of Squash Vine Borer and Bryan had to literally do surgery on each plant to get the bugs out and save the plant. Hopefully they will recover... he's a farmer, not a doctor! We will definitely be introducing some nematodes to the fields this year to hunt the grubs down so they don't come back as strong next year.

Please remember to bring your boxes back each week and if you're not going to be able to pick up your box let us know so that we can save it for you.  Boxes that are not picked up are automatically donated to the coop or drop-site manager.  Also, please call us if you need to make other arrangements, not the coop or drop site as they have no affiliation with our farm.  Thanks!

Your Farmers,

Bryan, Katelyn, Ayden, Kate and James
Herbal Turtle Farms


Chile Broccoli Pasta
(Vegetarian Bible)

2 cups dry penne or macaroni
1 medium head broccoli
1/4 cup olive oil
2 large garlic cloves, chopped
2 fresh red chiles, seeded and diced
8 cherry tomatoes (optional)
small handful of fresh basil or parsley, to garnish

Cook the penne or other pasta in a large saucepan of salted boiling water for about 10 minutes, until tender but still firm to the bite.  Remove from the heat, drain, rinse with cold water, and drain again.  Set aside.  Cut the broccoli into florets and cook in salted boiling water for 5 minutes.  Drain, rinse with cold water and drain again.  Heat the olive oil in the saucepan that the pasta was cooked in.  Add the garlic and chiles, and tomatoes if using.  Cook over high heat for 1 minute.  Return the broccoli to the pan with the oil and mix well.  Cook for 2 minutes to heat through.  Add the pasta and mix well again.  Cook for 1 minute more.  Remove the pasta from the heat, turn into a large serving bowl, and serve garnished with basil or parsley.

Cilantro Lime Vinaigrette
(From Asparagus to Zucchini)

2/3 cup lime juice (6 ounces)
3 tablespoons minced garlic
1/4 cup apple cider vinegar
pinch salt
2/3 cup packed cilantro leaves
2-4 dashes bottled hot pepper sauce
1 tablespoon cumin
1/4 cup canola oil

Place all ingredients except the oil in a blender.  Turn on blender.  Add oil very slowly through the "hole" in the middle.  Use a little water if you lose the hole, but just enough to keep the little hole so the oil will get blended.  Makes about 1 1/4 cups. 

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