BOOM... It's fall! This week's box is full of fall goodness. The field work is starting to wind down but now we are extremely busy prepping fields for cover crops, pulling old corps and trellis, getting ready to plant garlic, trying to finish building the shed, and setting up a new shiitake yard. It feels like things should be slowing down but they aren't! Sorry for the lack of pictures lately... it's just Kate and I right now so it hasn't been on my radar. I'll try to get some up next week!
Hot Peppers
Sweet Peppers
Egg Plant
Acorn Squash
Leeks are an allium and can be used just like an onion. You will notice two kinds of apples in your box. The small ones are Prairie Spy and are more tart. These are great for cooking, but personally I like them raw as well. The larger ones are Firesides and are less tart. Probably the last week for tomatoes, eggplant and peppers. The potatoes are from our friends at Whitewater gardens. We didn't have room for potatoes this year but plan on giving it a go next season.
Coming up for the last few boxes we will have another round of squash/pumpkin, more leeks, scallions, kale and/or chard, radishes, carrots, beets, more apples, hopefully brussel sprouts, and possibly a few other surprises!
Your Farmers,
Bryan and Katelyn