Friday, April 12, 2013

Hello Herbal Turtle Share Holders (and future Share Holders)!

Thank you all so much for your support last year, we would not be able to do what we do without you. We are working towards building a more sustainable local foods model based on community support, responsible land stewardship, good health, and great tasting produce. By choosing to be a part of farms like ours you are making that happen! Thank you!

There are some changes on the farm that we are really excited about this year. We installed a new walk-in cooler last fall! This will allow us to store produce more efficiently and get things out of the field all at once so we can keep the successions moving. It will also be a great place to take a break on a HOT summer day! We are also working on some new irrigation ideas and now have a tiller attachment for the tractor, both of which will free up a lot of time for other projects.

Thanks to those of you who completed our end of season survey last year… We don’t grow vegetables for wholesale markets, we primarily grow for our CSA members. Because of this, we take your opinions very seriously and have made changes to our planting schedule and garden plan based on your feedback.

We hope you will join us again this season. We have included a sign-up form for you to complete and return. We will be limiting the CSA to 60 members this season so please let us know right away if you would like to continue participating. We really count on our members to commit during this time of year. It allows us to pay for big cost such as seed orders, potting mix and equipment purchases during a time of year when we don’t typically have much income coming in from the farm.

As always, please feel free to give us a call or send us an email (or even a letter!) if you have any questions or would just like to say hello… we always love to hear from you.

Kindest regards,

Bryan Crigler & Katelyn Foerster

Herbal Turtle Farms
